Computer Vision / Blue Light
Comfortable Vision All Day
What is Computer Vision Syndrome
Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a repetitive motion condition, like carpal tunnel syndrome. The problem can start because our eyes move in the same way throughout the day (reading text on a screen). Once an issue has started, it can get worse as we continue the same behavior. Digital screens add flicker, contrast, glare, and light that all puts additional strain on our eyes.
Some of the warning signs of CVS are:
Blurred vision
Double vision
Red or dry eyes
Neck pain
Back pain
Eye Irritation​​​​​​
Treatment Options
Position your monitor just below your eye level and approximately 20-28 inches in front of your eyes.
20/20/20 rule. Every 20 minutes you should look at an object 20 feet away for twenty seconds.
Anti-glare coatings and anti-fatigue lenses like EyeZen Branded lenses
Computers, tablets, and smartphones, we need help from our glasses more than ever before. All that screen time can be hard on your eyes and may cause digital eye strain.
Eyezen enhanced single vision lenses are more than just ordinary glasses, they provide sharper vision than ordinary single vision lenses and are available to everyone
Whether you have a prescription or just want a pair of computer glasses.